
A Quick Note

The Leeth Dossier is a sci-fi/fantasy series about an unusual girl, set in our world about 50 years from now: and 25 years after magic unexpectedly returns. It opens with the book Wild Thing (2015), and continues with Harsh Lessons (2016), Shadow Hunt (2017); then (Violent Causes) (2019), Lost Girl (2020?)....
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Thursday 17 December 2015

And we're off and running...

Over on my other blog, A Toe in the Ocean of Books, I'll describe what I learned about the preparation of the ebook version and the print editions of Wild Thing (that's a globalised Amazon link, courtesy of, but if that doesn't work, you can get to the book via my Amazon Author Page).

In the book, I promised that the 1st ten readers to spot typos or other errors would receive a free electronic copy of the sequel as soon as it's prepared. Well, the first eagle-eyed reader was Nikos Andronikos, who noticed that I'd not used the American/modern spelling of "medieval" in the Bio section on the back cover image. Now, I think I'd prefer to leave that "error" there for sentimental reasons, since my wife always insisted on the old English spelling of the word (just check out the Sydney Mediaeval and Renaissance Group web site - for which she was President for a good number of years - if you don't believe me). Anyway, I think that still earns Nikos a free copy, but I still want to leave the way open for 10 other people to spot errors, so I've put him in at the top of the table as a nice computer scientist-y zeroth entry.

The idea behind this, is to find and fix errors in the book, of course. I've done my best, and I dream that perhaps the list will not reach ten, :-), but telling me of errors means I can fix them, so any reader who enables auto-update will get a corrected copy. And because the printed editions will be all POD (Print on Demand), I plan to fix such errors in the print editions, too, by uploading a corrected PDF to the printer every now and then as needed. Of course, I can't fix errors retroactively in already-printed copies, but at least later buyers of the paperbacks will benefit from the keen eyes of earlier readers. I do hate typos in books.

I've also added a list to keep track of and thank the first twenty reviewers of Wild Thing. By "review", I mean a "substantive" review: at least 100 words. These don't have to be good reviews, just honest ones. Though if the review makes no sense to me, or I truly can't see how it relates to my book (I see that Wild Thing is a popular title for a book!), then in those cases I'll withhold the "award", which again earns a free electronic copy of the sequel when it's ready.

And yes, I plan to do this for all my books. As a writer, I depend on reviews and word of mouth to gain readers, and I think honest reviews are a critical piece in the new publishing model. So reviewers help both authors and other readers.

Today I prepared the cover PDF for IngramSpark for the 5"x8" paperback edition. But (cough, cough), I realised at 1am this morning I hadn't sent in my Cataloguing-in-Print application for any of the paperback editions. So I can't actually finalise the text for the CIP entry in the print editions. And they may not get to it by 22nd December, when they take a break, so I'm sitting here mildly tense, wondering if I'll get the print editions underway before the end of the year. [Later note: the Australian CIP people came through, so all was well!]

I may also mention that I'm seriously planning to offer to virtually attend (via Skype or Facebook Messenger of Google chats) book club discussion groups for people who have read the book. I made a little video where I talk for a few minutes about Emily Craven's idea, and as I say there, I think I'm not taking much of a risk by making the offer. Because I'm an unknown writer, I'm not going to be swamped with requests to do that. (More likely than not, no one will ever take me up on the offer!)

In the unlikely event that some group is interested in inviting me around via video hook-up, and if you'd like a list of possibly-interesting questions for discussion, I've made a little list, and if you'd like me to send them to you, just ask. I could just post them here, but that seems to me just a little presumptuous, somehow.

These "ten winner" lists are over on the right of the blog, just above the Follow by Email widget.

Future posts here will be more about the book(s), and writing in general. This blog is focused on the creative writing side of things, and the books themselves. My other blog is really focused on self-publishing, and covers the less creative but equally-important side of the new publishing model that's sprung into being.

Anyway, I think I've rabbited on long enough, so that should do for now. I think the top thing on my to-do list however, has become Christmas shopping and cards. I've been very slack on that front, and concentrated 99% of my time and energy into getting the book ready. I will take a little break over the festive season, too, but I'm very keen to get Shadow Hunt finished and published, too. And even more keen to get back into writing the 3rd book, Lost Girl.

Merry Christmas!


  1. Hey Luke,
    If my comment comes up twice then there is a glitch in this but I am hoping it is ok.
    I love you stuck to your guns with the Mediaeval spelling. It is such a beautiful way to spell this particular word, at least I think so but I may be English Teacher biased and I appreciate the sentimentality.
    Good to see my name up there and hope reviews come flooding in as it is so important for the writer even if not always flattering.
    Your journey to get the book out there is an interesting one and one that travels smoothly I hope.
    Book chat idea is also interesting so keep me posted.
    Best wishes for the new year,

  2. Thanks, Barbara. I still tend to spell encyclopaedia, but even I have given up on gaol. :-)
    I'll be happy enough if reviews come trickling in - I'm not expecting a flood. But I'll just keep writing, and see how things pan out.
    I think the book chat idea sounds fun, too, so yes, I'll let people know how it goes - I expect I'll blog about it if it ever happens!
    Likewise, I wish you joy and good fortune for the coming year.


    PS: Your comment just appears the once, so all seems well.

  3. Hey Luke, Does "practicing" as a verb count (very end of Chapter 6)? Would have been changed to practising for newspaper publication. Never mind all those hyphenated adverbs (eg "a strangely-accelerated series") in adjectival compounds. This is what the subs abide by: "Combining an adverb and an adjective does not create a compound adjective. No hyphen is required because it is already clear that the adverb modifies the adjective rather than the subsequent noun." Maybe I'm being old-fashioned ... Lou

    1. Hmm, let me think about the hyphenation. You could well be right, though, I think. I thought I did it only where there could be confusion otherwise in the reading, but that's not the case in the example you've quoted. Not for the "practicing" - that's a US spelling thing, according to The Cambridge Guide to English Usage: they use that spelling for both noun and verb.

  4. Hi again, seems to be something missing in Chapter 7, where it says: "Faith couldn't build dams or climb trees. Luckily, she mentioned that to her uncle. But he'd explained how she didn't really need anyone else, how Faith was more than enough companionship, and how a Huntress didn't need other people, she'd felt much better." Perhaps a "when" after the "but"?

  5. You're quite right about the missing "when", however. I'll need to fix that. Onto the list you go - and thanks! :-)

  6. Chapter eight there's a "had had". "After her account of battling what sounded like a spirit in the woods, he had had given her a..."

  7. Dang! Okay, I'll fix that, too. Looks like I'll be uploading a new PDF for the print edition sooner than I'd planned. :-) Keep those eagle eyes reading when you get a chance: the corrections are much appreciated.
